Spring into Spring
Posted on 22 April 2016 @ 10:47am
I hope all of you have a wonderful time this winter (I feel we can hardly call the beautiful weather we had the last few months winter). None the less, it flew by and spring is upon us!
As most of you know I spend most of my free time doing outdoor sports, road tripping and traveling. This winter was a fantastic snow year and I got more snowboarding in than the last 4 winters combined! I finished my snowboard season off over Easter with a trip to Nelson to ride some of their world-renowned Kootenay powder.
Now I’m gearing up for the beautiful summer ahead which will be full of exciting adventures. Since I can’t snowboard in the summer I’m planning on doing lots of kayking, mountain biking, camping, hiking, and skateboarding.
What are your plans and goals for the summer? Any road trips or adventures of your own?
I’m very excited about my new online home and I've been working closely with my web/branding/media partners “Swank Media”. They were able to create something unique and highly effective. It even has online booking! As we move forward through the year I will begin using it as a health and wellness educational resource. I will be making posts from time to time on fundamental principles of Chinese Medicine. I enjoy speaking & creative writing more than academic writing so I’ll keep the posts fun & informative.
In my practice I have found that I get the best treatment results in the middle part of the day ~ between noon and 6pm. This is considered the most Yang part of the day, which is when the body’s Qi is nearest the surface of the body. Early in the morning or later into the evening and the Qi is in the more interior aspect of the body, which I find less ideal in treatment. This Qi is what I access with Acupuncture needles to attune and harmonize the flow of energy within your body for deep natural healing.
Because I want your treatments to be the most effective for your healing, I offer my treatment hours from 12pm to 6pm Tuesday through Friday. Mondays I use for business development, ongoing education and writing so that I can better serve you!

It is my passion to help you live a healthier happier life! By utilizing a completely natural, ancient holistic medicine I am more than capable of helping you in attaining your health and wellness goals. I’m here to assist you along your journey through life. If you have any questions, suggestions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.
I go for a Chinese Medicine treatment at the changing of every season to help my body to transition and attune smoothly into the new season. As a gift to you I would like to offer you a free "Zheng Gu Shui Healing Liniment" with any Spring Transitional session at the south clinic or 20% off a Spring Transitional session at my home practice. This fantastic promo is on from now until May 15th to help you gear up for the long beautiful summer ahead!
Looking forward to catching up with you and I hope all is well!